Parish Council 2024
Rector: The Reverend Daniel Fournier
Rector's Warden: Heather Simpson
People's Warden: Brenda Morgan
Treasurer: Barb Prescott Secretary: Maria Ross
Delegates to Synod: Sharon McMillan and Tara Poilievre
Alternate Synod Delegates: Rick Saville and Stephen Ruttan
Youth Delegate to Synod: Daniel Poilievre
Council Members at Large: Brian Dominique, Joanne Jolson,
Sean Tiernay, Thea Todd, and Carol Turnham
Other Parish Contacts
Organist and Choir Director: Susanne Reul-Zastre
Children and Youth Ministry: Sharon Hallsor
Communications Coordinator: Barb Prescott
Director of Worship: Sean Tiernay
Parish Organizations
Altar Guild:
President: Ann Seguin Treasurer: Noreen Saville
Flowers: Ann Seguin Funerals: Joan Gowan
Contact any of these people
by calling St. Luke's Church Office at 250-477-6741.