June 5th- Talking about Race and racism with our children

Below is a list of resources I shared with my congregation. I am a white woman serving a predominantly white church. The featured image is from the Children’s Community School. I urge you to think of this list as a starting place. All of us must commit to educating ourselves, listening to people of color, and taking action everyday to resist the sin and evil of racism.

To read the full article CLICK HERE

Reading with your child is a wonderful way to start conversation. Here are two lists of books to help you start:

31 Children's books to support conversation on race, racism and resistance.

10 beautiful indigenous children's books to add to your library

Think, Shop, Buy, LOCAL

The GVPL central branch is in phase one of there reopening. You can put books on hold and go pick them up at the branch Monday-Saturday. They also have a large collection of e-books and audio books.

Russell Books will deliver to your home or they do in store pickup. They will also do special orders if requested. Bolen Books is now open for regular business but is also doing pickup and delivery.

May 15th - Creating a Prayer Space at home

"Creating a Prayer Space reminds everyone in the household that prayer is an important part of everyday life. When you create a Prayer Space in your home, you are reminded of God’s presence at all times, while also making a connection between church and home."

To continue reading this article CLICK HERE

May 1st - Bible study

Reading the Bible with your child can be a challenge.  However, it is also a great way to connect and share your faith. 

The Rev. Canon Kevin Arndt shared this video of him having a bible study with his son Julian who is in the 5th grade. This is a simple example of how to listen, share and pray with your child.

April 24th - We are living through history... how will your Kids remember it?

A prayer for you and your children to say together this week:

  • Thank you God for being hear with us! (Name some ways you feel God's presence)
  • Thank you God for giving us hope! (Name some ways God is helping you feel hopeful)
  • Thank you God for keeping us safe! (Name some ways that God is helping you feel safe)
  • Thank you God for asking us to help others! (Name some ways you can help others)
  • Thank you God for my friends and family! (Name friends and family)


April 17th - Blessing Your Children at home

Create the practice of blessing of your children before bed. This is a nightly ritual that reminds your child that God is with them.

To learn more about this ritual and how blessings can be done CLICK HERE

April 3rd - Helping Children Grow Spiritually

As parents/guardians we have the biggest impact on our children's faith! This time of isolation is an amazing opportunity for us to start forming spiritual habits in the lives of our children. 

When we are no longer running to various activities trying to get everyone fed as they run out the door, this could be an opportunity to start the practice of saying grace before our meals. A spiritual habit that can last a lifetime! 

Dinner Table Prayer: Thank You, Jesus, for Them All

Round this table, here to pray
First, we thank you for the day
For our family and our friends
Gifts of grace that heaven lends
Living water, daily bread
Countless blessings our God sends
Thank you, Jesus, for them all
For the great ones and the small
When we're happy, when we're sad
On the good days and the bad
We are grateful, we are glad

--Mary Fairchild 


For more creative ways to help your children grow spiritually, click HERE