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We are getting ready to welcome our 30 campers as well as teen and adult volunteers to the Amazing Journey Day Camp which will be held at St. Luke's the week of July 10 -14th, from 9:00 am to noon.

We are looking for some items and help in various areas:

- Costumes - We will have a dress up area at the camp and would love any costumes you are willing to lend or donate. We are looking for capes, fancy belts, boots that fit over shoes, dance costumes, etc. Please be sure to label the items if you would like them back.

- Electronic items which no longer work, such as old cell phones, or other items for our "Fix It Shop", which will actually be a "Take It Apart and See How it Works Shop". No big items, please.

- Baking – We would love some baking for the Day Camp to serve during the daily snack time. Contributions of muffins, loaves such as banana bread or pound cake, or cookies would be appreciated. Items can be baked ahead of time and put in the freezer at the church, labelled for Day Camp, or dropped off closer to the Day Camp. Please let Barb Prescott know if you have put baking in the freezer or will be dropping off baking so that she can let the kitchen crew know what will be available.

- Help at the Day Camp at one of the Craft Stations – If you are able to help for the week or for several mornings at one of the craft stations, please talk to one of the Day Camp Planning Team members, Sharon Hallsor, Tara Poilievre, or Barb Prescott. 

Items can be dropped off the week before camp, or on Sunday, the 9th, after Church. It is helpful if you are able to talk to one of the Day Camp Planning Team members so we know what to expect.

Thanks in advance for your help in making this another successful Amazing Journey Day Camp!