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St. Luke's has a number of areas where we could use some help. If volunteers are able to do these jobs, it saves us money as we don't need to pay someone to do the job, or buy baking, etc.

Please see the list of jobs below and consider if you can help in some way.

Gardeners Needed – We are looking for volunteers to help weed three garden areas at St. Luke’s. This could be one person per garden or several people as part of a gardening team or any combination. The three areas are: the garden by the office, the garden in front of South Island Centre, and the rockery garden on the corner by Cedar Hill Cross Road and Cedar Hill Road. If we don’t find volunteers to help with these garden areas, we will add these areas on to our gardener’s list to care for - at an extra cost, of course! Please talk to Heather Simpson or Barb Prescott if you can help in this way. 

Baking Needed for the Day Camp – Calling all bakers, we would love some baking for the Day Camp to serve during the daily snack time. Contributions of muffins, loaves such as banana bread or pound cakes, or cookies would be appreciated. We are looking for snacks which aren’t too sweet. Items can be baked ahead of time and put in the freezer at the church, labelled for day camp, or dropped off closer to the day camp. Please let Barb Prescott know if you have put baking in the freezer or will be dropping off baking so that she can let the kitchen crew know what will be available. 

Do you like to fix things? Thank you to those who have offered to be on the Buildings and Grounds Fix It Team. We could still use a couple more people for this team. Items to be fixed include, for example, a squeaky Narthex door and loose hand railing. Please contact the Wardens, Brenda, or Heather for more information.

Do you like to search the internet? Parish Council is looking for a volunteer(s) to help research and apply for grants that would assist in funding projects on our Church property. For example, renovations on the Church washroom to make it more accessible for walkers and wheelchairs. Please contact the Church Wardens, Brenda, or Heather for more information.