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St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in Sidney is pleased to announce the fall start to its Child, Youth and Young Adult program.

This multi-pronged program will feature Sunday activities to support, encourage and deepen participants’ faith connections, an evening program for young people and a Sunday gathering with lunch. An emphasis will be placed on ensuring that all participants will feel safe, welcome and included.

The program is aimed at anyone on the Saanich Peninsula or beyond. Being Anglican is not a requirement nor will the program seek to persuade anyone to become an Anglican, but information about church life at St. Andrew’s will be available.

St. Andrew’s is extremely fortunate that Hayden Blair is part of St. Andrew’s community as its Children and Youth Coordinator. With nursery and youth group experience in other churches and at the Sorrento Center, and a sincere interest in fostering the spiritual life of youth, Hayden, a second-year student at UVic, looks forward to welcoming students and young adults to St. Andrew’s.

See further information in the news release below.