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Brenda Morgan’s "Pieced for Peace" wall hanging, which you read about in the Easter Prescription, could be yours through your donation to the Ukraine Donations Fund. The highest donation will win the wall hanging. Donations collected will go to the Canadian Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal. Even if you aren’t interested in the wall hanging, please make a donation to this important cause.

Donation envelopes are available at the back of the church. Please put your donation envelope into the collection plate at church, drop it off to the church office, put it into the locked mailbox by the hall door, or bring it to the Plant Sale on June 4th. (Please make your donation cheque payable to St. Luke’s Church.)

Or donate online through Canada Helps. Choose Ukraine Donations Fund from the drop down menu.

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Brenda notes, “While making this art piece, the war in Ukraine broke out, and as I saw devastating images on the news, my already chosen theme of Peace seemed to resonate. This knitted patchwork, using interconnected words, is a symbol of my hope that resolutions and peace can be found, and this torn landscape can be pieced together again.”

The deadline to make a donation and enter the donation auction is Sunday, June 5th.