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The bulletin for the 10 am service for July 28th is posted below.

To read or download bulletins from previous weeks, click here to go to the Bulletins page.

THIS WEEK’S PARISH NEWS – July 28 – August 4 (**New Items, *Revised Items)

*Please stay for Coffee Time this Sunday after the 10 am service – Park on Synod Road for easy access via the side door of the hall. Note that there won’t be a Coffee Time on August 4th or 11th.

**Thank you for your open donations at last Sunday’s 10 am service with Church of the Cross – The open donations totalling $180 were donated to the Shelbourne Community Kitchen.

*The Church Office will be closed some Fridays in August when Neil takes some of his vacation days. The office will be closed August 16th, 23rd, and 30th.

Calling All Key Holders – If you have a key for the church or hall, please call (250-477-6741) or e-mail Neil ( to report your key type and number. Also if you remember having a key which you previously lost, please let us know that as well. We are updating our key inventory list. Thanks so much for your help.

Country Grocer Save A Tape Program Update – We have now collected another $6,000 receipts and will receive another $60 in gift certificates, bringing our total to date to $600 in gift certificates, which have been sold to parishioners. Well done, everyone! Please continue to collect your Country Grocer receipts and turn them in to Neil in the Church Office, put them in an envelope in the mail slot, or in the Country Grocer box in the narthex.

The Load for Burundi has Arrived – The donations for Burundi collected and shipped by the Compassionate Warehouse, including items from St. Luke's parishioners, has arrived in Burundi. Pictures at the News page show the Homes of Hope Kids from Gitega, Burundi, enjoying their donations.The note sent with the pictures says, "We are grateful to all of you who support these children." Thanks to everyone at St. Luke's who contributed to this outreach project.

Shelbourne Community Kitchen Summer Stock Up Food Drive Campaign – Every summer, the Shelbourne Community Kitchen sees an increase in families accessing their food support services, but this is also a time when supplies of non-perishable food donations are at an all time low. With the current cost of food and inflation, we are registering an average of 50 new people each month. The Shelbourne Community Kitchen team invites you to participate in our 2024 Summer Stock Up Food Drive Campaign! The Kitchen's most needed items are:

Canned Fish and Meat
Peanut Butter
Canned Beans
Canned Fruit and Vegetables
Instant Meals
Pasta and Pasta Sauce
Granola Bars and Cereal
Juice and Herbal Tea
Rice, Oats, and Grains

Please continue to put these needed items in the basket in the church or the basket beside the office and we’ll deliver them to the Shelbourne Community Kitchen. See more information at the News page.


A Note from Daniel: Friends, I am calling on your skills and talents in photography. We would love to use your photos for our bulletin covers. Photos will be chosen in relation to the theme of the Sunday readings. (See below.) I invite you to be imaginative with these words and themes.

Aug. 4     Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." (Image of Bread).
Aug. 11   Therefore be imitators of God, live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us (Eph)/Very truly, I tell you, whoever believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life. John 6
Aug. 18   More on John 6 (I am the bread of Life – Unless you eat of this bread)

Remember that most of these pictures will appear as greyscale (B/W) on the bulletin cover so please consider how they will appear if they were printed in black-and-white.

Please send your photos to and include your name and the Sunday the picture is for in the file name. Pictures should be a small to medium file size (eg 800 or 1200 px on the long side).

Please send your pictures by the Wednesday of the week preceding the particular Sunday. I look forward to receiving your pictures in the weeks ahead.