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The Montreal Mission Internship is a 9-week paid internship for 18 to 25-year-olds with a heart for service and a desire to discern how God is calling them to serve in the world. Interns work at a social service organization in the city of Montreal, responding to areas of social inequity such a homelessness, migration, and food insecurity. They then meet as a group, and individually with mentors, to reflect on how God is working in and around them, and to discern together how they are being called to participate in God’s work.

Below is the poster for this event that anyone may print or distribute electronically to any potentially interested individuals. Also attached social media graphics for Instagram and Facebook which you can share as you see fit.

There will also be an online info-session happening on March 12th from 12:00pm-1:00pm.

For more information, CLICK HERE.